How to code with ADHD


What is it like coding with ADHD?

Have you ever entered a 'flow' state? Have you ever been so wrapped up in what you are doing, that time has flown by so fast and you didn't know where the day went? As a developer with ADHD, this is a regular occurrence. Sometimes, I will be so hyper-focused that I will forget to eat at normal meal times. Sometimes, I will look at the clock and realize that I have been stuck inside a wormhole for 6+ hours. It feels like you have traveled forward through time. Days can blur together, weeks quick to follow. I run off of coffee, upbeat techno/EDM music, and minimalizing my opportunity for distraction.


How to use your ADHD to your advantage when coding.

There are times when your mind will refuse to allow you to focus, this is something outside of your control. Use these moments to diffuse your brain from what you are working on. The brain has two types of mode, focused mode, and diffused mode. Learning how to use your diffused mode is just as crucial as when you learn how to control your hyperfocus. Hyperfocus is amazing for creativity and productivity. However, it is a double-edged sword. One must be aware of the risks that come with hyperfocus. There are things that you can do to ensure that you do not burn out when in hyperfocus.


Systems you can put in place to ensure your success while coding with ADHD.

If I had to choose one thing to help ensure your success as an ADHD coder it would be, BOUNDARIES. Forcing boundaries onto yourself will make your life more sustainable as a developer with ADHD. Setting up a regular bedtime will help you to develop a routine that will increase your productivity as well as your focus. Incorporate exercise into your weekly routine. It's been proven time and time again that regular exercise helps increase focus in those that have ADHD. Even during hyperfocus, incorporate regular meal breaks. It will increase your energy levels as well as help break up days. For times where you have a hard time focusing, use Pomodoro. It's a simple technique that combines 25 minutes of hard focus, with 5 minutes of break. It helps turn long stretches of work into bite-size, enjoyable pieces. Above all else, developing a routine will help you be more productive. If you always code at a certain time of the day, then your body and mind will always be ready to do it when that time comes around.

Happy Programmers Day,
